Do you want a healthier immune system and better sleep cycles?
Vitamin D Testing
Have you tested your Vitamin D levels recently? Do you know what they are going into the Winter season? The NHS advises that during the Autumn and Winter months you need to get Vitamin D from your diet as the sun isn't strong enough for the body to make Vitamin D, but this is difficult. The NHS suggests that from October to March everyone should take a 10 mcg (400IU) Vitamin D supplement. But will this be the right amount for you? Where is your starting point? Do you need more, are you deficient? Or are your levels ok, as you also dont want to take too much of this fat soluble vitamin as high doses can be toxic.
What does Vitamin D do?
Vitamin D has many functions in the body, it's a vital nutrient and it is used all over your body:
Maintains bone mineral density
Supports Brain Health
Helps with weight regulation
Supports the immune system to fight off illness
Can reduce the risk of Autoimmune diseases, Psoriasis, Osteoporosis, type 2 Diabetes, Lupus and Parkinsons disease.
Are you at risk of low Vitamin D?
Often low in Athletes - vitamin D is an antioxidant that helps with tissue damage
Medications such as Steroids and Bile acid binders can reduce Vitamin D
Do you have inflammatory Bowel disease?
Are you Pregnant, Breastfeeding or Aging?
Do you suffer with insomnia, Cramps, diarrhoea, burning mouth or anxiety?
Do you have allergies?
Check your Vitamin D Levels with me
If you recognise any of those signs or symptoms, I can help you check your Vitamin D Levels. Get yourself tested so that you know if you need to supplement and what amount.
Why test with me?
Included in your test is:
A finger prick blood spot test from one of the NHS's largest Vitamin D testing labs
A short form for you to fill out with some health history to be reviewed by me, a BANT registered Nutritionist
Guidance on finger prick testing
Recommendations for a supplement with a personalised dosage, 10% discount on the suitable supplement and a check against any interactions with your current medication.